domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Dora Franco, B.Sc., D.O., BI-D, ( ) completed the Course Neuroanatomy Brain Dissection,which was developed by Dr. Jana Mrzilkova, at 3rd Medical Faculty of the Charles University, Prague .

Participants were introduced to all parts of the Central Nervous System (CNS), its functions, mainly designed for manual therapists' specific needs.

The Class consisted of CNS Dissection were participants learned by using speciments (the class was focused on the description of basic parts of the CNS - medulla spinalis, medulla oblongata, pons, mesencephalon, diecephalon, cerebellum).

During the Class was given an explanation and description of the relationships between sensitive innervation of the organs and ascending tracts, so as about the response of the CNS to pathologic changes in organ function (morphological description of the effects of visceral manipulation).

Another important topic highlighted during the Course was related to the CNS involvement with perephery through nerve tracts. The main goal of the Course was to understand the nervous control in the organism, both from the sensitive and motoric point of view, so as from organ and fascia innervation.

Detail description of areas involved in course:
  1. Neuromuscular junction - anatomy, neuromediators, muscle contraction.
  2. Sensory pathways from organs and loop to the cortex and back - reaction of organ movement and cortex-spinal cord to back muscle contraction.
  3. Theory of fascial innervation and function during injury, reparation in context of CNS.
  4. Spinal cord - topography, speciment of cadaver, spinal anatomy, vertebral canal and spinal nerves, topography and function of meninges, fixation of medulla spinalis, reflexes in the level of spinal cord and connection with brain stem, cortex, basic pathways in white matter of medulla spinallis and gray matter, organization of neurons.
  5. Brain stem - medulla oblongata, pons varoli, fossa rhomboidea, mesencephalon, nuclei of cranial nerves, reticular formation of brain stems (organization, function, neuromediators, pathways, white matter and motoric sensory pathways).
  6. Cerebellum - anatomy, topography of fossa cranial posterior, proprioceptions pathways and regulation of movement.
  7. Diencephalon - link with organ regulation, thalamus, centrum of sensory pathways and points for regulation of movement by basal ganglia circle.
  8. Telencephalon - anatomy and histology for action potential and neurons (modullation, centers), primary cortical cortex and new theory of connection, basal ganglia and movement, sensory motoric complex, limbic system and regulation of organs by autonomic nerves, cerebrospinal liquid and circulation, meninges and blood supply, ictus pathology and bleeding in CNS.

This Course was designed to offer manual therapists an unique experience and better understanding about the CNS.

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